23个句子阐述6种不同的江湖及英译 您所在的位置:网站首页 江湖 怎么翻译 23个句子阐述6种不同的江湖及英译


2024-07-12 14:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“江湖客”指“流落江湖的人”,英语可以译为vagabond, drifter, itinerant wanderer,例如:

7.这位江湖客凭借一时的心血来潮,想去哪里就去哪里游逛。The vagabond roams wherever he pleases, following the whim of the moment.

8.为了生存,这位江湖客背井离乡,到处流浪,受尽人生种种苦难。In orderto survive, the itinerant wanderer left his native place, and roamed here and there, suffering all hardships in life.

“江湖”的第三个意思是“复杂的社会环境”,英语可以译为complicated human world, complicated human society,例如:

9.人在江湖,身不由己。As we live in a complicated human world, we have to adapt ourselves to the changing circumstances.

10.他深知江湖险恶,所以隐居山林。As he knewthe complicated society was full of danger and evils, he withdrew from society and lived in seclusion in the mountainous woods.

“江湖”的第四个意思是“豪杰侠客所闯荡的社会”,英语可以译为circle of swordsmen, circle of outlaws, circle of martial arts practitioners,例如:

11.这个剑客独自行走江湖,行侠仗义。The swordsman came and went all alone outside the circles of swordsmen, practicing chivalry and justice.

12.他为人仗义,不愧是江湖一条英雄好汉。Being chivalrous andjustful, he was worthy of being called a hero in the circle of outlaws.

13.江湖各路人马会聚,各显其能。Theforces from various circles of martial arts practitioners gathered and displayed their prowess respectively.

“江湖义气” 的意思是 “豪杰侠客之间看重情谊而替人担当风险的气概” ,英语可以译为 loyalty to brotherhood, loyalty to fraternity, 例如:

14.豪杰侠客之间,江湖义气最为重要。Amongthe martial arts practitioners, the loyalty to brotherhood goes beyond everything.

15.这位侠客以注重江湖义气著称。The swordsman was famous for attaching great importance to the loyalty to fraternity.

“江湖”的第五个意思是“文人士大夫隐居的地方”,英语可以译为seclusive place,例如:

16.唐朝时,这位官员辞去官职,遁迹江湖。Inthe Tang Dynasty, the official resigned from his post and led a solitary life in a seclusive place.

“江湖”的第六个意思与“到处流浪靠卖艺、占卜或卖药为生的人”相关。“江湖艺人”英语可以译为itinerant entertainer, wandering performer, roaming performer,例如:

17.通过刻苦练习,这个江湖艺人最后成为著名歌手。Through assiduous practice,the itinerant entertainer finally became a well-known singer.

18.这个江湖艺人靠自己的绝活儿谋生,养活三个孩子。By his own consummate skill, the wandering performer earned his living and raised three children.

“江湖医生”或“江湖郎中”的意思是“自称懂医术的庸医”,英语可以译为quack, mountebank,例如:

19.赶集的时候,你必须小心卖假药的江湖医生。When you goto the fair, you must beware of the quacks selling spurious medicinal herbs.

20.这个卖假药的江湖郎中被警方拘留了15天。The mountebank who had sold fake medicines was held in detention by the police for 15 days.

21.这个江湖郎中在公共场所卖假药,通过耍花招、讲笑话和讲故事吸引和影响听众。The mountebank sells quack medicines in public places, attracting and influencing audience by tricks, jokes and storytelling.

“江湖骗子”的意思是“使用花招到处骗钱的人”,英语可以译为swindler, hustler, charlatan,例如:

22.这个江湖骗子走街串巷叫卖,靠给老年妇女卖假首饰赚钱。Peddling fromstreet to street, the swindler made money by selling fake jewellery to old women.

“江湖气”的意思是“走江湖的人特有的鄙俗油滑的习气”,英语可以译为slick in the ways of the world,例如:

23.他多年走南闯北,沾染了一身江湖气。Havingtravelled widely for many years, he became slick in the ways of the world.






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